Shorts, Threads of Wisdom, Channeled Messages, How our ego defines what truth is... Previous Truths and Perception: do your best to NOT stand in judgment Next How to use the power of joy to burst anxiety a simple visual technique offered by La'a Leela and One You Might Also Like Teachings of One.. how will the spilt work? Disconnecting from dis-ease A channeled practice for well being Meditation for Healing Meet La'a Leela and hear about her work as a direct voice channel How do your perceptions Affect your reality and ultimately your joy?
Shorts, Threads of Wisdom, Channeled Messages, How our ego defines what truth is... Previous Truths and Perception: do your best to NOT stand in judgment Next How to use the power of joy to burst anxiety a simple visual technique offered by La'a Leela and One You Might Also Like Teachings of One.. how will the spilt work? Disconnecting from dis-ease A channeled practice for well being Meditation for Healing Meet La'a Leela and hear about her work as a direct voice channel How do your perceptions Affect your reality and ultimately your joy?