One to One sessions

  • What to expect

    Hello I'm here to provide you with an exciting and unique experience that's filled with surprises, help, and loads of love. So, no matter where you are in life and what you need, the guides and energies that show up for you are here for your highest good.

    You could receive a message from a vivacious young girl (I know her as Katlin), an excited fairy, a passed loved one, your higher self, or even the serious voice of One. It's going to be an incredible and personalized experience just for you.

    During our session, we'll be operating on multiple levels. As a Trans Shamanic direct voice channeler, I act as the channel for deep information that comes in the form of downloads to me, while the spirits are speaking directly through me to you.

    Simultaneously, you'll also receive healings, activations, or attunements that are specifically tailored to your needs. Some people are sensitive enough to feel the love and attunements flowing from my heart space to theirs, and the activations can sometimes leave them feeling a bit spacey. Even if you're not consciously aware of it, trust that it's happening on a subtle level.

    Now, let's talk about the length of our session. We've got approximately 45 minutes to work with. We'll take a few minutes to settle into the space, and the duration of the channeling will depend on "One" and you. It's helpful if you come prepared with open-ended questions that can guide you towards the insights and guidance you seek.

    Once the channeling is complete and I step out of the channel, we'll have a few minutes to discuss the information I received through downloads and address any questions or clarity you may need. So get ready for an amazing and transformative experience that will leave you feeling enlightened and inspired!

  • How can you prepare….

    First, think about what you would like to get from your session.

    Is there an area of your life you would like help with?

    Are you seeking help with your path, relationships, or the feeling or sense of loss?

    Next, make a list of questions to bring to your session.

    It’s best to put them in order of priority. I make no guarantees that they will all get answered. It really depends on the depth of your questions. I have at times seen one question take a whole session and other times flow through several questions quickly. The voice of One or whoever steps forward from the space of One is very interactive. The more you are open and receptive to what they have to offer the more you can receive.

    One is not here to be a fortune teller but to assist you in finding more answers that can lead you to a higher sense of ease and joy on your life’s path.

    One along with your higher self will work together assisting you to find a deeper connection to yourself and helping to empower you.

    Understand, above all else, we have free will and One will not overstep that. With that in mind if you keep your questions open-ended that will give them the space to give you what you’re seeking.

    For example

    If you were to ask “will I win the lottery”? That might get you a yes or no answer and that will likely be the end of the answer. Now if the answer was a simple yes, you might get all excited thinking they are telling you that you are going to win the big one, but what if you played a 2$ scratcher and won a free ticket? The answer they gave would still be right but let’s face it that’s not really what you were asking, right?

    So, if you were to rephrase that question and ask.

    “How can I feel more financially abundant”? or

    “How can I be more financially abundant”? This opens up a much broader way for them to give you more information you are seeking.

    Finally, throughout the session, they will often ask if you are understanding the answers given, or if you have any questions surrounding what they have shared.

    PLEASE, please speak up they cannot offer you clarity if you don’t ask.

    This is all about asking…. Give them permission to help you.

  • If possible, take a few minutes to contemplate and think about what you have received. Sit with it, take what you feel is helpful, and leave behind anything that may not resonate with you at this time.

    It is important to acknowledge that One possesses the capacity to perceive things from a universal perspective. Sometimes, the answers we receive may not immediately make sense. Throughout my experience, I have encountered clients who received messages that appeared implausible, only to realize the truth and comprehension of those messages a year or more later.

    Personally, I have also received messages that initially seemed incomprehensible, but with the passage of time, I came to understand their complete significance and validity. I now recognize that it was my limited understanding at that particular moment or my current perception that prevented me from fully grasping the truth of those messages. As my life evolved, so did my ability to perceive the truth inherent in the information I had received.

    These sessions can contain so much information the ability to retain it all can be difficult for this reason, I do my best to record all sessions. Although a recording is not guaranteed.

    Many people find it super helpful to relisten to the recorded session. They will often find guidance that was somehow missed the first time around. They also often find a deeper understanding of the message.