A Spiritual Call to Action: Join Us in Our Sacred Mission for Freedom and Healing in Philadelphia October 2024
Channeling One Channeling One

A Spiritual Call to Action: Join Us in Our Sacred Mission for Freedom and Healing in Philadelphia October 2024

In mid-October, I’ve been called by my guides and One to carry out important spiritual work in Philadelphia. This mission is different from the land work my husband and I have done in the past, as it takes place in the heart of a major city during a time of energetic shifts and change. With the upcoming elections and the current global climate, this work feels crucial for supporting love, freedom, and balance.

We are working with powerful energies—like those held in the Liberty Bell and the Declaration of Independence—to reignite our collective sense of true freedom, equality, and unity. I’m inviting others to join and support this mission, as we have less than a month to plan, gather resources, and call on those who feel aligned with this work.

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