No more snoozing, its time to wake up!
You need to wake up! Spiritual Ascension is here, it’s time to create the new 5D reality, the Golden Age of Aquaria. What are these people talking about?
If you know anyone that is practicing in a non traditional spiritual path you may have heard them say that the time of ascension is here and it’s happening. What are they talking about what is Spiritual Ascension? Well everyone will have a different idea of what that means and what it looks like. I thought I would share mine.
In 2006 I remember the first time I heard the song I need to wake up by Melissa Ethridge. I was blown away, now we all know that she was talking about our treatment of our dear Mother Earth and climate change and our need to wake up to how we are treating her and the damages that are being done. But when I heard her song I could not help but cry. I felt a stirring deep within me. I felt as if she were talking to my Soul, and my personal need to wake up to who I really was. I would cry and sing the chorus over and over out loud.
I needed to wake up NOW!
It became something of a singing mantra for me, (though at the time I did not even know what a manta was). What I did know was, I was not all of who I was supposed to be.
I need to wake up I wanted to be more,
I need to change I wanted to be happy truly happy down to my core.
I need to shake up, I wanted to be a better version of me. I was a broken shadow of what I was capable of drained, unsure and showing a false sense of myself. Over worked, disconnected while running a business and feeling the burden that came with it.
I've been asleep, And I need to wake up Now
And thus my awakening began.
My Ascension my waking up was about my need to find more. I don’t mean more money, more time, but more of who I truly was, and what my priorities, my purpose in life really was and what I wanted on a deeper more spiritual level.
I started reading books like Eckhart Tolle A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose, leaning about Ego, and listening to recordings like Ester Hicks channeling on the Laws of Attraction, and even discovered A course in Miracles. I went through some wonderful and some extremely difficult challenges as I wanted and asked for the changes but silly me thought I could control what they looked like so I made a few of these changes a lot harder than they needed to be. But that’s ok I kept moving forward.
Eventually through my conscious choices and desires to wake up my emotional, physical and spiritual shifts have evolved and I have come to be where I am now.
Totally not perfect but much more awake, living with a much higher spiritual conscious and connection. Actively focusing on my growth and raising my personal vibration, living and learning with the help of my guides, and the collective of One.
I find even more joy everyday even in times that would otherwise make us want to step back. I am drawn forward to keep moving and creating the 5D what I would call heaven on earth. A world of Love, Connection and Oneness that I have had glimpses into and know are possible . I, my guides and One would like to share with you the possibilities.
With Much Love and Light,
La’a Leela