Meet La’a Leela
Channel, Speaker, Teacher, Spiritual Development Coach & Multidimensional Healer
Are you ready for a change?
Do you need clarity?
La’a Leela and One are here to help you reconnect with the wholeness of who you are and guide you back to your sovereignty, empowering you to find your inner knowing and strengthen your connection to who you are truly meant to be.
If you're curious about who I am and what I do, let me share a bit about myself.
In this unique time of human history, there is a profound awakening to our highest selves. I consider myself blessed to serve as a bridge for both spiritual and physical growth and transformation.
I'm often described as a channeler, shaman, healer, energy worker, and light worker. However, I see myself primarily as a "bridge" or conduit, offering support to individuals and humanity as a whole. Guided by my spiritual connections, I identify as a Trans-Shamanism Channeler, Multi-Dimensional Healer, and Teacher.
Channeling and spiritual connection have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, although I didn't always recognize it as a unique gift. Over time, my conscious awareness and acceptance of this gift have aligned, leading me to deepen my understanding and ensure that I work with integrity, truth, and love.
My husband and I are both committed to service work and have embraced a nomadic lifestyle, allowing us to travel where we're needed globally. Together, we engage in land work, collaborating with Earth's elements, frequencies, energetic grids, portals, plants, and animals to support Mother Gaia's transition into the new Golden Aquarian Age.
I host events both in-person and online. I also provide spiritual development coaching and individual and private group channeling sessions. I recently started a Facebook group you may want to check out.
Shared Wisdom - for seekers of growth and healing of mind, body, and spirit
Thank you for stopping by. I'm excited to connect with you on this transformative journey.
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Shared Wisdom for Seeker of growth and healing of mind, body, and spirit
live events coming there soon
A little about La’a Leela.
Seeing and hearing is always better than reading. Click the video on the right to learn more about me.
Who is One?
Click the image to watch the video of One introducing themselves.
One is a conscious of light beings and workers here to help us awaken spiritually and to assist us in knowing our true connection to one another.
When I asked them who they were or who was part of One, they explained that they are beyond count. If we could see them, there would be so many that the light they shine would encapsulate the planet and appear as a solid white light. When I looked, all I could see and feel was pure love.
Since first meeting One, my abilities and understanding of One have grown and continue to grow. It has been explained to me that as a Tran Shaman Channer, I have the ability to hold space that allows energies or beings that would not normally be able to work together due to their unique and different energy vibrations allowing them to work together. By holding this space, collectives, councils, and individual energies, such as guides, angels, nature spirits, star councils, and even past loved ones, can come together in one place and time to work together for the greatest good. They provide channeled messages, lessons, activations, and energetic healings that are ready to be received.
I have met a few beings who are a part of One. Some of them have been incarnated on this earth, and many of them have names you would recognize as archangels, spiritual leaders, teachers, earth beings, star beings, and lightworkers from both the recent and very distant past.
When they harmonize as a collective, their voices intertwine like a symphony, blending their love and wisdom seamlessly. Each individual essence can also emerge, akin to a soloist stepping forward amidst the chorus, still connected and embraced by the collective harmony. While they frequently communicate as a unified entity, it can be delightful when glimpses of their distinct personalities emerge, adding a playful and dynamic element to the interaction. Many clients find one energy known to me as Kaitland, a 5-year-old girl, can be especially delightful, and this multi-faceted exchange is fascinating, experiencing the diverse nuances of their essence, yet predominantly receiving their shared message from the unified essence of One.
What our clients have to say
Get in touch.
Our website is under construction, so I look forward to hearing your thoughts, comments, requests, and wishes. If you would like more information reguarding group sessions, events and private parties please indicate that on the form and I will be in touch with you.
Ready to book a One to “One” session You can book your appointment here.
I look forward to hearing from you.
La’a Leela